Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs
Are you curious about the benefits of journaling?
You should be.
First of all, studies have shown that keeping a journal improves mental health by managing stress and reducing depression.
And to paraphrase Natalie Goldberg, keeping a journal is important for having a relationship with your mind.
My journal helped me cope with the ups and downs of running a business and raising a family. If you want tips on how to gain the benefits of journalling, read this article how to get started journalling as a business owner. If you are ready to start writing, here are journal prompts for entrepreneurs.
How to journal as an entrepreneur
First, for motivation – let’s explore how to journal as an entrepreneur.
Journalling for soundboarding
Entrepreneurs tend to have lots of ideas. It’s fair to say that it’s part of the entrepreneur mindset.
Generally, there are more ideas than there is time. It may be a new marketing tactic, a way to innovate, or an opportunity to expand.
But the idea today may not fit into current strategy. Before implementing something new, or making a big decision, think it through from every angle.
How does this idea align with overall strategy? What are the risks? What are the costs? How does this impact other business structures and processes? These questions are powerful journal prompts for entrepreneurs to gain value from the process of journalling.
Journalling for accountability
Most people say that planning is a fun part of being a business owner.
However, following through with plans, and being consistent can be a challenge. Entrepreneurs have many responsibilities. It’s easy to get caught up in daily challenges, and be overwhelmed. Action items may get moved ahead on the calendar, again and again. And that is where journalling for accountability comes in. Though mastermind groups, mentors, and accountability coaches are effective for staying on track – so is journaling.
Recording your plans in your journal is powerful for affirming your intentions, and for keeping yourself accountable. It can help stay on track and keep progressing towards goals.
Journalling to celebrate success
Writing about your wins and what you are proud of is one of many benefits of journalling.
Sure, there are spreadsheets, performance metrics, and other reports to show numbers. These results are the outcomes of decisions you took as a business owner. Recording successes and your feelings about them will reinforce your wins.
Also, journalling to celebrate successes gives you a resource of inspiration and encouragement during stressful, challenging times.
Journal prompts for entrepreneurs
Keeping a journal doesn’t require writing skills. If you are looking for ways to loosen up as you start to journal, the classic Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg is an excellent book. But journalling is really about self-expression, reflection, and processing feelings. Forget about spelling and grammar. Your journal is for your eyes only. Use these journal prompts for entrepreneurs to get started.
- What is my biggest worry about my business?
- What am I most proud of about my business?
- If I could change one thing, what would it be?
- What knowledge or skills do I feel I’m missing or could improve?
- Is being an entrepreneur what I thought it would be? Why or why not?
- What am I procrastinating about?
- Am I having fun and enjoying my business? If not, what needs to change?
- What are my hopes and goals for the coming year?
Journalling is a powerful way to reflect, process, and brainstorm.
It’s effective for decision making AND for accountability.
Incorporate journalling to your daily routine, or use it as a strategic tool when you are working on your business. To help you get started, download this PDF of journal prompts for entrepreneurs.
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